Publisher: Grove Press

What’s In The Box!-..

Posted March 16, 2021 by stuckint in Book Subscriptions, BOTM / 14 Comments
What’s In The Box!– April 2021 Predictions

Hello everyone and welcome back to another What’s In The Box post, where I make predictions for next month’s Book of the Month picks. I cannot believe how fast March is going. I definitely wish I could have read more by now but that’s neither here nor there I suppose. There are some amazing books […]

What’s In The Box!-..

Posted February 22, 2021 by stuckint in Book Subscriptions, BOTM / 18 Comments
What’s In The Box!– March 2021 Predictions

Hello everyone and welcome back to another What’s In The Box post, where I make predictions for next month’s Book of the Month picks. February is a short month so I definitely wanted to have my predictions up before now, but hopefully people enjoy them regardless. As always, keep in mind that these are simply […]

What’s in the Box!-..

Posted March 16, 2020 by stuckint in Book Subscriptions, BOTM / 10 Comments
What’s in the Box!– April 2020 BOTM Predictions

Hoorah, it is BOTM guessing time! As always, we have waded through a lot of guesses and these are the books that we think are the most likely selections for April. This month’s clues we think are related to the starting initials of the book titles which made it pretty easy. We are actually feeling […]

Book of the Month At A Glance&..

Posted February 27, 2020 by stuckint in Book Subscriptions, BOTM / 9 Comments
Book of the Month At A Glance– March Adult Picks

It is that time again and we are here to confirm the March picks for Book of the Month, and give you a bit of information to help you select your picks this month! Our predictions were REALLY close this month. They really got us with Eight Perfect Murders — we were absolutely sure that […]

What’s in the Box!-..

Posted February 11, 2020 by stuckint in Book Subscriptions, BOTM / 11 Comments
What’s in the Box!– March 2020 Predictions

Well we were beginning to lose hope that we would have riddles this month but we are happy to report that things appear to have just been a little slower going up. As always, we have waded through a lot of guesses and these are the books that we think are the most likely selections […]