Sunday Salon- Traumatic Dog Park Experience Edition

Posted June 8, 2020 by stuckint in Features, Stocking the Stacks, Sunday Post, Sunday Salon / 2 Comments

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. It has been a chaotic week for a lot of reasons. Today my husband and I took Winston to the dog park like we do every week. Well this week there was a dog there who had never been there before a new dog attacked an adorable white fluff ball of a puppy. It was awful. We gave the injured dog’s owner a ride home so a family member could drive them to an emergency vet.

It was an awful situation for all involved. Animal control was called. I can’t imagine how the owner of the instigating dog felt.

My husband and I are still recovering emotionally from the experience but we have been giving our own puppy (who ran around the fight barking like some kind of hall monitor) plenty of snuggles.

On the bright side, I went to Barnes and Nobles today and got two new bookish mugs. I attached a picture of one them

As far my reading goes it’s gone pretty well. We got a lot of great titles from Netgalley and Emily is officially coming back to the blog and I am so excited!

This Week In Review

Wednesday: Was all about what we’ve been reading lately.

Thursday: I shared the novels by black authors that are at the top of my TBR.

Saturday: I highlighted some YA book series featuring LGBTQIA+ characters.

Our Recent Netgalley Haul

Coming Up Next

Monday: We’ll be offering some book recommendations for a 2020 reading challenge that we haven’t highlighted yet this year.

Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday is all about books that we added to our TBR so long ago we don’t remember why we put them there.

Wednesday: Is our stop on the Half Life Blog Tour hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club.

Thursday: We will be recommending more books for Pride month. This time, we’ll be focusing on adult fiction and nonfiction titles.

Friday: We’ll be sharing some our favorite fiction novels by black authors that have give given us perspective as two white women.

Saturday: I’ll be sharing reviews of some Backlist Netgalley titles. I’ve read some good ones recently.

What About You?

How has your reading week been? Did you get any fun new books or bookish items in the past week? Let us know in the comments.

2 responses to “Sunday Salon- Traumatic Dog Park Experience Edition

  1. Reading has definitely been a great escape for me lately. I’m reading two books right now that are continuations in series I already enjoy. The dog park incident sounds so scary! I hope the fluffball is okay. Enjoy your week!

    Becki recently posted: Sunday Post - 7 June 2020

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