Monday Matinee- How I Met Your Mother Edition

Posted April 13, 2020 by stuckint in Features, Monday Matinee / 4 Comments

Hello everyone! I’m taking a break from frantic paper writing to recommend some book based off on one of my favorite sitcoms: How I Met Your Mother for this weeks, Monday Matinee. For the next few Monday Matiness I will be picking different sitcoms that I have watched multiple times so stay tuned for that. If there is a particular sitcom you would love book recs for let me know in the comments!

Ted Mosby- The Dreamer


Readers who most identity with Ted are looking for their happy ending, be it a fairytale romance or their dream career, people who identity with Ted are goal-oriented and hopeful and are certain that happily ever afters are just around the corner.

Barney Stinson- The Heister


Barney is all about coming up with that next play or looking for that next great adventure. Readers who identify with Barney are also looking for a good time be it with friends or a hot date. Underneath it all, readers who identify with Barney are seeking deep connection and only want to be seen and understood.

Robin Scherbatsky- The Realist


Practical and driven, readers who identify with Robin likely know how to start a fire with nothing but a piece of flint but also enjoy a good scotch. Readers who identify with Robin are logical and level headed and frequently put their goals above personal comforts and interests. Throughout the course of the series we see Robin open up a little as she develops deeper relationships but through it all she is still logical, practical and honest.

Marshall Eriksen- The Optimist


Marshall is arguably the most consistent character of the series. Readers who identity with Marshall are optimistic, loyal and team players. They might be hopeful like a Ted but maintain a certain level of realism and are content with the simpler things in life. Marshall is also extremely sensitive and perceptive and frequently plays the role of mediator within his friend group.

Lily Aldren- The Artist


Lily was actually the artist one for me to think about because she is kind of all over the place. She can be impulsive but she is also incredibly consistent and works hard to keep the group together over the years. She paints but her art is realistic, capturing the objects around her. Readers who identity with LIly likely love her for her fiery disposition, her devotion to her family and friends, and her acknowledgement that a woman’s sexuality is a moving target.

What About You?

Which character do you most identity with? Do you agree with my characterizations? What books would you pick for each character? Let me know in the comments!

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