Wheelhouse Wednesday (Haley)

Posted November 13, 2019 by stuckint in Wheelhouse Wednesdays / 4 Comments
Wheelhouse Wednesday (Haley)

We’re kicking this Wednesday off with a post that we have affectionately deemed “Wheelhouse Wednesday” an idea that has been borrowed with love from one of my favorite book podcasts Reading Glasses-go check them out if you haven’t already!) So, without further any ado, I present to you a handful of sub-genres (some of my […]

What’s In the Box! Decem..

Posted November 13, 2019 by stuckint in BOTM / 16 Comments
What’s In the Box! December 2019 Predictions

Not so long ago I made it a personal mission of mine to be on top of the spoiler game when it came to Book of the Month’s five picks. Until recently, it wasn’t too difficult if you know how to search and decipher a web page’s HTML code. Of course it was only a […]