Top Ten Tuesday- You Know You’re A Bookworm Edition

Posted March 31, 2020 by stuckint in Features, Top Ten Tuesday / 6 Comments

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt is signs you know you’re a bookworm and we had tons of fun brainstorming ideas.

1- We have libraries on our night stands- and everywhere really

We don’t know about you but we have piles of books on our nightstands. Haley changes her piles out every month but still. You know you’re a book lover when your nightsand- and your house really- becomes a bookshelf for your books.

2- The book is always better

We’ve all been there when we walk out of a movie theatre disappointed that a movie adaptation didn’t live up to our expectations after loving the book version. Basically you know you’re a bookworm when you think about movies as extensions of book.

3- You see Belle as the Disney Princess of bookworms

Most people love Beauty and the Beast for the storytelling or the music and that’s all fine and dandy. But you might be a bookworm if your favorite part is the ginormous library in the beast’s castl.

4- Our social media is full of books!

From Bookstagram and Litsy to Twitter and online book clubs through Facebook, the internet is full of Haven’s for book lovers and you might be one yourself if you actively engaged with any of these groups.

5- You know all the acronyms!

The world of books and reading is full ofacronyms and bookish lingo: TBR, DNF, Wrap ups, etc… and you might be a bookworm if you feel at home with all the literary slang.

6- Your family randomly tags you in pictures of bookish themed items like totes and blankets

I cannot count the number of times family members have randomly sent, tagged, or shared bookish themed items with me from totes to pillowcases to beautiful blankets my loved ones aren’t shy about reminding me that I am indeed a bookworm.

7- Your favorite book changes from day to day

Not so long ago somebody asked me what my favorite book was and I asked: “You mean from what I’ve read in the last week?” Because it was honestly overwhelming to try and think of an all time favorite book. You might be a bookworm if you finish.multiple books each week and are constantly adding favorites to your piles of read books.

8- Tuesday is your favorite day of the week!

You might be a bookworm if you keep an ongoing list of new releases you are excited about. Some times it’s easy to forgot that the rest of the world doesn’t keep track of the books that come out in a given week. You might be a bookworm if your life revolves around new book Tuesdays!

9- Bookish podcasts and book news are a staple of daily life

You might be a bookworm if you not only love reading and talking about books but you love hearing other people do it too! We love podcasts so much that we have a page dedicated to all things bookish podcast. You can check that out here.

10- Your family members and friends ask you for book recommendations

You know you’re a bookworm when the people you love know it too and take advantage of that fact by asking you for book recommendations. Congratulations bookworm, you made it!

What About You?

What do you think of our list? Have you experienced any of these things? What signs made your list? We love hearing from our fellow bookworms!

6 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday- You Know You’re A Bookworm Edition

  1. “Eau De New Books” haha that made me smile. 🙂 And yes to the acronyms. I remember when I started blogging I was like huh? lol

    The Beauty and the Beast library is pretty awesome! I could handle living there…

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