Top Ten Tuesday- One Word Title Edition

Posted March 3, 2020 by stuckint in Top Ten Tuesday / 12 Comments

Welcome back to another Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt is one word titles and so we decided to share some of the one word titled books that are at the top of our TBR lists!

Haley’s Picks

1- GodShot by Chelsea Bieker

This one definitely feeds my love of cults! Also, it’s set in the central valleys or California which is where a lot of my family calls home. The book follows fourteen years old Lacey who must ask hard question when her mother is excommunicated from the high pressure religious group she has been raised in. It’s getting a lot of early buzz and I cannot wait for it to come out in April!

2- Flamefall by Rosaria Munda

I’m not going to say too much about this one because it’s the sequel to Fireborne but I am so ready to see where things go next! if you love dragons or fantasy novels that deal with a lot of political intrigue then you need run- don’t walk- to get your hands on a copy of Fireborne.

3- Pine by Francine Toom

I have mentioned this one a few times because I have had it checked out from my library for a few weeks and still haven’t read it. I know, I know! The guilt is real. But honestly, it just sounds like a weird, atmospheric little book and I’m planning to dive in once Spring Break hits.

4- Thirteens by Katie Alice Marshall

I jumped in with both feet when Marshall released her debut: I Am Still Alive. A survival story set in the Canadian wilderness, I expect nothing but good things from the author with her next book that is pitched as Coraline meets Strangers Thing. I am here for it!

5- Wonderland by Zoje Stage

I have not read Stage’s debut novel: Baby Teeth but this one was recently brought to my attention. Its been marketed as if Shirley Jackson had written The Shining. As a horror lover it mixes two of my favorite things. Oh and there is a haunted woods and apparently that’s in my wheelhouse so yes, I will definitely snag this one once it shows up at my library!

Emily’s Picks

1- Thunderhead by Neil Shusterman

Ok, it looks like two words on the cover but it’s one, I promise! Let’s play the fun game of how many times can Emily blog about a book before she reads it! This is #80000 I think. I read and LOVED Scythe but wanted to wait on this one until the third book in the series was out. Now it’s out and I STILL haven’t read it. This is such a good take on a dystopian future where we have solved virtually all physical ailments but people still have to die in order to control the population. They’re supposed to be randomly selected, but are they really? I love this series and really need to dive back in.

2- Starbreaker by Amanda Bouchet

This is another second book in a series and I really enjoyed the first. It’s a romance/sci-fi so what’s not to like there?! I personally love a good romance in a great plot and Bouchet’s books always deliver that. This series has a super-strong female lead, a fun will-they/won’t-they dynamic and a great intergalactic drama to boot. I think this series is pure enjoyment and I can’t wait to read book 2.

3- Nyxia by Scott Reintgen

I’ve had my eye on this one for awhile, but ever since I read and enjoyed Ashlords so much, it’s moved way up on my list. Nyxia is the start of a science-fiction trilogy full of compromise, competition and secret keeping. So many people I respect (including Haley!) really love this trilogy and I’m hoping to get to it super soon.

4- Winterblaze by Kristen Callihan

I’m sensing a theme here — this book is the third book in a series that I really enjoy. It’s another romance series, but this one is a paranormal romance series set in Victorian London. There’s a lot of plot here, and a lot of romance, so it’s basically the perfect series. I loved the second way more than the first, so I have high hopes for this installment. This book actually follows a married couple that has been keeping secrets and has to find their way back to each other after everything comes to light. Ok, just writing this paragraph makes me want to prioritize this one.

5- Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams

Breaking with tradition here, this novel is neither genre fiction NOR part of a series. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT?! This novel follows a 25-year-old Jamaican-British woman trying to find her place in the world following the end of a long-term relationship. This novel explores race and identity and trauma and healing and sounds just oh-so-good. Plus, it’s billed as Bridget Jones’ Diary meets Americanah and I REALLY want to see how THAT is pulled off.

What About You?

Have you read any of our picks yet? Do you have any favorite one-word titles? Also, I found this article from Miriam-Webster about condensing books into a single-word for these kinds of titles while I was writing this post and found it really interesting, so check it out! See you in the comments!

12 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday- One Word Title Edition

  1. Woah Pine has me curious just based on that cover. Intriguing. and Nyxia- same. I’ve thought of getting that book as well.

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